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wish you a happy birthday.小编特意为你准备了一份必备的生日祝福语中英文对照阅读材料不容错过。生日是一个最特殊最难忘的日子,在你的朋友生日的时候,给他送上一句祝福吧。活在当下因为过去已经过去未来还未到来!

1、有些感动无法言语,有些思念只放在心里,有些友情说不清楚,有些朋友天长地久!今天是你的生日,短信送上生日祝福!some moved beyond

2、suantiankula life, she becomes mature and beautiful, she has become the

3、愿你生命中的愿望都能得到实现--生日快乐!may wish can be true in your life - happy

4、又逢生日,寄上我一份诚挚的祝福,愿你拥有更健康快乐幸福的未来,祝你生日快乐新年行大运!and every birthday, I send you a

5、gifts, no exciting surprise, only gently wishes, happy birthday to you! "289A.cOM

6、of you have, today, may your youth and intelligence, bring you a better

7、bring you happy, because you are the most lovely sister/this card to you/I wish

8、gold combination affection! I wish a happy birthday!

9、heart, my heart is enough, I wish you a happy birthday.

10、afford to drink water, poor to pay my fee, poor to eat rice, poor leaves bowl,

11、remember, whether very surprise, how can forget your birthday! On this special

12、your biggest birthday, pan were mentioned below as long as you speak, I have to

13、人生的成功有千百种,您用劳动书写光荣,您用真情善待亲朋!今天是您的生日,请把心放松,静静地聆听我们的祝福:快乐健康幸福。success in

14、whole beauty; To present the beauty of the winter, the elder sister, I wish you

15、愿所有的快乐,所有的幸福,所有的温馨,所有的好运永远围绕在你身边!生日快乐!may all the joy, happiness, all the

16、走过重重生命的关隘,走过漫漫岁月的长河,走不出的,是母亲温暖的心田!祝妈妈生日快乐!the pass through many lives,

17、在这特别的日子里,我们虽然远隔千山万水,但山水不是距离,在遥远的这边,我同样惦记着我最亲爱的朋友,同样送上我最衷心的祝福!祝你生日快乐!on this

18、wish you a happy birthday.

19、娇艳的鲜花,已为你开放;美好的日子,已悄悄来临。祝你生日快乐!delicate and charming flowers, has been open

20、我没有五彩的鲜花,没有贵重的礼物,没有兴奋的惊喜,只有轻轻的祝福,祝你生日快乐!"I have no colorful flowers, no

21、Pepsi, everything fenda!