祝福语 > 生日祝福大全 > 生日搞笑描述短句英文句子





1、Happy birthday! May your day be filled with more joy than your Instagram followers, more cake than your waistline can handle, and more alcohol than your liver can handle. 生日快乐!愿你的一天充满比你的Instagram粉丝更多的喜悦,比你的腰围更多的蛋糕,比你的肝脏能承受的更多的酒精。

2、Here's to a birthday that's as epic as your life story (but with fewer dragons).

3、Happy birthday! Your birthday cake looks more tempting than you do.

4、Another year of being awesome – congratulations! 又过了一年的华丽生活——恭喜!

5、Wishing you a birthday that's as sweet as you are, and as fun as a piñata full of candy!

6、You're not getting older, you're just getting closer to your death. 你不是在变老,你只是离死亡更近了。

7、Happy birthday to someone who is aging gracefully, just like wine, cheese, and George Clooney. 生日快乐,你就像葡萄酒、奶酪和乔治·克鲁尼一样优雅地变老。【WWW.w286.CoM 迷你日记网】

8、Wishing you a happy birthday filled with laughter, love, and lots of cake – the good stuff, not the fruitcake. 祝你生日快乐,笑声、爱与蛋糕充满你的生活——好的蛋糕,不是水果蛋糕。

9、Happy birthday! Wishing you an extra special day, just like your extra chromosome. 生日快乐!祝你的一天特别棒,就像你额外的染色体一样。

10、Happy birthday! Another year older, but the good news is that you're still younger than you'll be next year. Enjoy the ride!

11、On your birthday, I wish you all the good things in life: love, happiness, health, wealth, and the ability to eat as much cake as you want without gaining weight.

12、Happy birthday, my friend! May all your dreams come true – except for the one where you're naked in front of your boss. 生日快乐,朋友!愿你所有的梦想都能实现,除了你被老板看到裸体的一场恶梦。

13、Happy birthday to someone who's aging like a celebrity (they keep getting younger with each passing year).

14、Happy birthday to someone who's been around longer than Google, but still manages to find the joy in life (even if it takes a few extra clicks).

15、Birthdays are like chocolate bars – some days you feel a little nutty, some days you feel a little crunchy, and some days life is smooth and sweet. Happy birthday!

16、Happy birthday! How I wish you could become a shining candle and let me blow you out.

17、Happy birthday to someone who's not just a year older, but also a year wiser. I guess that means you're officially old now. Embrace it, my friend!

18、Congratulations on surviving another trip around the sun! Here's to many more happy and adventurous years ahead. Happy birthday!

19、On your birthday, I wish you peace, love, happiness, and a lifetime supply of cake and ice cream (because let's be real, that's all anyone really wants).

20、You may be getting older, but at least you're not getting boring. 你也许在变老,但至少你没有变得乏味。


22、Youth is a gift, but age is a work of art. Happy birthday, here's to mastering the art of getting older gracefully! 青春是一份礼物,年龄是一件艺术品。生日快乐,向优雅地变老的艺术致敬!



24、You're not getting older, you're just getting wiser...and more sarcastic. 你不是在变老,你只是变得更有智慧……和更加讽刺。

25、You're not getting older, you're just leveling up. 你不是在变老,你是在升级。

26、Another year of life means another year of regrets, but don't worry, you can always make up for it with cake. Happy birthday!

27、On your birthday, I wish you the joy of a child, the wonder of a wizard, and the liver of a college student (because let's face it, you're gonna need it).

28、Happy birthday! You're so young that I don't even know what gift to give you to show my respect.

29、Happy birthday to someone who is so amazing, they make the internet jealous. 生日快乐,你是如此惊人,使互联网都感到嫉妒。

30、On your special day, don't worry about wrinkles or grey hairs. Just count your blessings, eat your cake, and party like there's no tomorrow! Happy birthday!

31、Wishing you a happy birthday! Today is your day, so celebrate it well.

32、Congratulations on another year of surviving the virtual apocalypse. 恭喜你又度过了《生化危机》般的一年。

33、Congratulations on completing another trip around the sun! Remember, age is just a number, and you're not getting older, you're getting wiser. 祝贺你又绕太阳跑了一圈!记住,年龄只是个数字,你变得不是老,而是更聪明。


35、Happy birthday to someone who's aging gracefully, despite a lifetime of eating pizza and drinking beer!


37、Happy birthday to someone who is so amazing, they make the sun jealous. 生日快乐,你是如此惊人,使太阳都感到嫉妒。

38、Wishing you a happy birthday! Today is your day, you should enjoy it.

39、It's your birthday, and you know what they say - age is just a number. Of course, in your case, that number is getting quite large. But hey, the older, the wiser, right? Have a fantastic day!

40、As a brother,youre the greatest,but your good points dont stop there.As a person and friend,youre the nicest anywhere.

41、Congratulations on another year of being the coolest person in the room. You'll always be younger, better-looking, and more stylish than everyone else in the nursing home. 恭喜你又度过了一年,成为房间里最酷的人。在养老院,你永远比其他人更年轻、更好看、更时尚。

42、Happy birthday to someone who is smart, witty, and can still fit into the same pants they wore in high school. 生日快乐,祝你聪明、机智,而且还能穿上高中时代的裤子。

43、Happy birthday to someone who's been at the same age for as long as I can remember!

44、Happy birthday to someone who's aging like a fine wine, but has the energy of a college student (and the liver to match)!


46、Happy birthday! May your dreams be as big as your family, and your bank account be as empty as your ex's heart. 生日快乐!祝你的梦想和家庭一样宏大,银行帐户和前任的心脏一样空虚。


47、Happy birthday to someone who always knows how to have a good time...even if it means breaking a few rules along the way. 生日快乐,你总是知道如何开心……即使意味着沿途违反了一些规则。


49、Congratulations on reaching another age milestone...but it's still nowhere near as impressive as your social media following. 恭喜你又到了一个年龄里程碑……不过还是远远比不上你的社交媒体粉丝数。



52、Here's to a birthday that's as epic as Gandalf's adventure in Middle Earth (but with fewer orcs).

53、Wishing you a birthday that's as awesome as you are, and as fun as a cake fight!

54、Happy birthday! Don't be cheap, it's a special day today, loosen up a bit!

55、Another year older, but don't worry, you still haven't caught up to me yet!

56、They say age is just a number, but in your case, it's a pretty big number! Happy birthday, you oldie but goodie!

57、Wishing you a birthday that's filled with lots of love, laughter, and happiness – and not too many awkward moments. 祝你生日充满了爱、欢笑和幸福——但不要太多尴尬的时刻。

58、Congratulations on being another year closer to being that crazy person on the subway muttering to themselves. 恭喜你又接近一年那个在地铁上喃喃自语的疯子。


60、Age is like underwear — it creeps up on you when you least expect it! Enjoy your birthday and remember, you're only as old as you feel.

61、May your birthday be filled with laughter, love, and a few embarrassing photos that your friends will never let you live down.

62、You may be getting older, but your sense of humor is still in its prime. 你也许在变老,但你的幽默感还是旺盛如初。


64、It's your birthday! Time to start counting your blessings, not your candles. Here's to another year of laughter, love, and lots of cake!

65、Age is just a number…that tells you how many candles to put on your cake. Happy birthday! 年龄只是一个数字…告诉你要在蛋糕上放几根蜡烛。生日快乐!

66、Wishing you a happy birthday! Today is a special day because you came into this world.


68、Happy birthday to someone who always knows how to make me laugh – even when they're not trying to. 生日快乐,这个总是知道如何让我笑的人——即使ta不想尝试。