祝福语 > 生日祝福大全 > 英文结婚优美句子





1、I can conquer the world with one hand as long as you're holding the other. 只要你牵着我的手,我就可以单手征服世界。

2、Love is not about being the same. It's about growing together towards a common vision.



5、Today we start a new journey toward forever, and I am so grateful to share it with you. 今天我们开启了通向永远的新旅程,我很感激能和你分享。

6、With each passing day, I am more grateful for the love we share, and for the commitment we made on our wedding day. 每经过一天,我就更加感激我们所分享的爱和我们在婚礼上所作的承诺。

7、Two hearts beat as one, two souls united in love. Today, we become husband and wife, ready to start our new life together.



10、As we become husband and wife, we promise to be faithful, honest, and true to each other, to support and encourage each other, and to love each other unconditionally.




14、A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.


16、Love is not about how much you say "I love you", but how much you can prove that it's true. 爱情不在于你说了多少次“我爱你”,而在于你能证明多少是真的。

17、Knowing that I have you by my side gives me the strength to conquer anything. 知道你在我身边,赋予我征服任何事情的力量。

18、True love is not about being inseparable, it's about being separated and nothing changes. 真正的爱情不是关于无法分离的,而是分开后一切依然不变。



20、Two hearts become one on this special day. 在这个特殊的日子,两颗心合二为一。

21、Our love story continues as we say "I do". 我们的爱情故事将随着我们的婚礼而继续。

22、I promise to love, cherish, and support you for all the days of my life. 我承诺一生一世都会爱你、呵护你、支持你。


24、As we exchange rings, we vow to love, cherish, and respect each other, to honor and protect each other, through thick and thin.

25、Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you. 爱情不是你找到的,而是它找到你的。

26、Love is not about how many days, weeks, or months you've been together, it's about how much you love each other every day. 爱情不在于你们在一起多少天、多少周、多少月,而在于你们每一天有多爱对方。

27、Today is the start of our forever, and I am so happy to have you by my side. 今天是我们永远的开始,我很高兴你在我身边。

28、As we say "I do", we promise to be each other's best friend, supporter, and partner in life.


30、A wedding is just a day, but a marriage is a lifetime. 婚礼只是一天的事情,但婚姻却伴随着一生。

31、Two hearts, one love. 两颗心,一份爱。

32、Two hearts beating as one, forever entwined in love and devotion. 两颗心永远紧紧相连,彼此相爱相扶相依。

33、Today we officially begin our journey as husband and wife, and I look forward to every moment with you. 今天我们正式开始我们作为夫妻的旅程,我期待着每一个和你一起度过的时刻。

34、I can't imagine a life without you. 我无法想象没有你的生活。

35、May our love grow stronger with each passing day and may our marriage be blessed with happiness, companionship, and trust.

36、As we say our vows and exchange rings, we pledge to be each other's partner in life, to share each other's joys and sorrows, and to love and cherish each other now and forever.


37、Love is not just about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. 爱情不仅仅是寻找到合适的人,还是创造出合格的关系。

38、Ive never felt so strong life can lead us

39、I am so lucky to have found my soulmate in you, my love. 我很幸运在你身上找到我的灵魂伴侣,我的爱。


41、With joyful hearts, we exchange rings and commit to a lifetime of love, laughter, and togetherness.



44、Together is a wonderful place to be. 在一起就是一个美妙的地方。

45、With you by my side, I am complete. 有你在身边,我才算圆满。


47、You are the missing piece to my heart's puzzle. 你是我心中缺失的那一块拼图。



50、With this ring, I give you my heart and soul, and pledge to be your faithful and devoted partner forever.

51、The love that we share is a beautiful bond that will last forever. 我们共享的爱是美丽的纽带,将持续永远。


53、Our wedding day is the beginning of a beautiful adventure that will last a lifetime. 我们的婚礼是漫长美妙旅程的开始,将持续一生。

54、You are the missing piece to my puzzle. 你是我的拼图中缺失的那一块。

55、A true love story never ends. 真正的爱情故事永不停止。