祝福语 > 生日祝福大全 > 心得英文简短(收藏十一篇)




心得英文简短 篇1






心得英文简短 篇2



心得英文简短 篇3


Thank you, Mr. Gibson. It's a great honor to be following in your footsteps as Overseas Sales Manager.

To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise. I'd like to think it's mainly a recognition of the teamwork, above and beyond the call of duty, in my department. On that same note, I'd like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work. Due to their efforts, we've really gotten some overseas projects off the ground for Action.

Looking to the future, I'd still like to maintain contact with everyone, even though I'll be working at the senior level. Well, what I'm trying to say is I won't let this step-up go to my head. My door will always be open. Thank you again.


follow in one's footsteps (as) 继某人之后


He followed in his famous brother's footsteps to a career in acting. 他继成名的哥哥之后,也走入演艺界。

above and beyond the call of duty 自动又卖力地


Due to her performance above and beyond the call of duty, she was given a wonderful promotion.

她对工作主动而认真,表现非凡,因此获得了升迁。 off the ground 开始;已起步


If we can get the new Taichung store off the ground, I think we can control the market there. 如果台中店能顺利营运,我想我们就能掌握那里的市场。

“senior”在职位上意思是'资深的;较高的';“senior level”则指公司成员中阶级较高的,也就是“upper management level”高级主管阶层。

The foreign company is active in promoting women to the senior level. 这家外国公司在提拔女性为高级主管方面很主动。

一般人把企业中的升迁管道视为一种阶梯,“corporate ladder”,爬得越高,职位越大。因此“step up”即表示'更上一层楼、升迁'的意思。

This apartment sure is a step-up from the awful place you used to live in.

这间公寓跟你以前住的烂地方比起来,当然要高级些。 go to one's head 冲昏了头;使(人)沾沾自喜

这个俚语表示某件事闯入了某人的心中、脑袋中,冲昏了他的头,使得他沾沾自喜。 That promotion just went to his head, and he never talked to his old friends again. 那次升迁冲昏了他的头;他从此不再理老朋友了。

1. It's a great honor to be following in your footsteps as Overseas Sales Manager. 2. It's a privilege for me to be following in your footsteps as Overseas Sales Manager. 3. It's both an honor and a great thrill to be following in your footsteps.

要对提拔你的人致谢;“It's a great honor (privilege) to …”是个很好的句型,“to”后面就接让你感到荣幸的事。 ● 表示谦让

1. To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise. 2. Truthfully, this promotion came as quite a surprise.

3. In all honesty, it was quite a surprise for me to get this promotion.

本段重点在于表示自己完全未曾预期升迁的谦虚心理。“to be honest”、“truthfully”或“in all honesty”是强调你说的都是'真心话'。“quite a surprise”,则是说'十分令人意外的惊喜'。

1. On that same note, I'd like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work.

2. Similarly, I must thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work.

3. Also, I thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work. 由于在上段已感谢过上司及部门同仁,想再向其它同事致谢时,可用“on that same note”承接这个表示相同感谢的句子,并引导下文。“note”在此是指「口气、特点」,“on the same note”等于“similarly”或“also”。

1. Well, what I'm trying to say is I won't let this step-up go to my head. 2. I mean I won't let this promotion change me.

3. To put it another way, I won't let this promotion go to my head.

最后一段应再度表示自己的谦虚与对未来的承诺:决不因而自傲。“What I'm trying to say…”是一种强调口气的说法。


心得英文简短 篇4


    I would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester. You were alway so patient when I asked you questions. You listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. You showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage. I felt so encouraged and became more comfortable in speaking English. You made the excercise so interesting that I was always very eager to participate and practice. My English has improved so much. How could I thank you enough?! I cannot wait to take your class next semester and keep working on my English. Sincerely yours,


心得英文简短 篇5

Hi everyone,

My name is Dongqi Yang from china, I am horror to be here today and I am very happy to receive this award.

As you can imagine, as international students in Australia, the biggest challenge is English,

I remembered that when I come here first time, there is a party in the house of my home stay. During the time, they played jokes and they laughed all the time, do you know how embarrassed that is, everyone laughed except you. So I pretend to understand the joke in another party, I saw everyone laugh and I laugh too in 5 seconds later. My home stay was surprised about that and asked me “do you understand?”, and I answered “no”, “So why do you laugh?” ”because I do not want to be embarrassed”!

But as I receive this award today, I want to thank to them, because they encourage me to be involved with the committee rather than staying in at home, play computer and speak Chinese.

When I came to Wantirna College first time, I met liz collar who is international student coordinator. She is very kind to me, and she encourage me join SRC, I went to SRC meetings regularly all the time, but I didn’t even know what SRC was! That is the reason why I told her, I don’t want to go to SRC anymore. But she said “why not? You should go and you have to go!”I asked” why?” she said:” because I said so!”

But as ii receive this award today, I want to thank her. She helps me a lot.

Truth be told, I am not the best student in Wantirna College, but I appreciate this award and I will try my best in future.

I think I got 10 seconds left, I want to thank to Les and Vera who is my lovely home stay, thanks to Liz collar who is international student coordinator, I strongly want to thank to my mother, because she support me and gave me the opportunity to come to Australia. And thanks to Wantinran College, thanks to Australia and finally, thanks to everyone to be here tonight.

Have a great night.


Dear distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

All my classmates and friends:

I’m so surprised.

I can hardly believe it.

I don’t know what to say.

My dream came true.

My prayers have been answered.

I thank God for my very good luck.

First, thank you all.

I appreciate this so much.

I will treasure this moment for a long time.

It feels just great.

It’s like I’m floating on air.

I don’t want this feeling to end.

I am honored.

It’s a great privilege.

I really don’t deserve it.

Second, it was a great experience.

I had an awesome time.

I will never forget it.

I can’t thank you enough.

It gives me such joy.

It means a lot to me.

Third, we all did our best.

We tried as hard as we could.


I was fortunate.

I really lucked out.

I still can’t believe I won.

Fourth, I’d like to thank my parents.

My teachers were also great.

My friends gave me super support.

I couldn’t have won this by myself.

Trying alone, I would have lost.

I know that for sure.

Fifth, I’ve learned two valuable lessons.

“Believe in your potential.”

“Hard work really does pay off!”

This is my advice to everybody.

If I can win this, anyone can do it!

That’s the honest truth.

Tomorrow I will pinch myself.

I want to make sure this is real.

I’ll be afraid this was just a dream.

I’m glad I tried.

I almost didn’t.

I was too afraid.

Now I’m a believer!

You must get in it to win it.

This award strengthens my resolve.

Finally, prizes are material.

Awards come and go.

But this memory will last forever.

The competition was excellent.

I applaud everyone here.

I was lucky today.

A final thanks to the judges.

I’m flattered to be selected.

You’ve made me very happy!

God bless.

Good luck.

See you next time

心得英文简短 篇6




在上学的路上学校,我想独自拥有这份快乐,但是我不能,我要与我的同学老师,甚至不认识的人一起分享我的快乐,我顿时感觉到生活是多么的美妙,“英语达人” 虽然只是一个称号,但是我是多么的欢喜与庆幸,我欢喜我能成为“英语达人”,我庆幸的是,当时很难找到一个比我更快乐的孩子,我觉得我很幸福,我觉得我的努力终有成果,我与马艺袼(、飞鱼、)分享我的快乐,我明白她的忧伤,我希望我的成功与快乐可以帮她分担一点伤心。



心得英文简短 篇7


Class 7. WFLS. Am I too late to say it’s just like a dream come true?

Quite frankly, military training is tiring. I’ve been told a million times about how exhausted I would be as soon as I finished this grueling training, and I don’t have any objection about that. However, now, I’ve got an Yes and No! I mean, physically,Yes, I have sun-tanned skin right now and for the first time I loathe being under the sun. Not to mention my sore legs and back. But this is just the heads of the coin. Tails, which means mentally, No! My inability to find proper words to express my feelings seems more and more overwhelming. Incredible? Unbelievable? Marvellous? Extremely impeccable maybe? These words are pale in comparison to the big picture of my future life. It’s like unwittingly, you fall in love with a new group of people, you feel for everything, you fall for everything.

I don’t know if I am being sensitive here. I remember us sprint out the door to assemble because we are running late. I remember us complaining about the miserable food when it’s time for lunch. I remember us sitting weirdly comfortable in a cool dark place when other classes were sweating. I remember us sharing jaw-dropping details about our lives and feel connected to others. I remember all those moments of rapture and ecstasy, all those senses of déjà vu, all those smiles of genuine happiness.

It’s like suddenly, I am no longer a prosaic girl living a plain life. It’s been a long time since the last time I didn’t regard myself as a catastrophe. As a lonely highway.The strong hope for the future made me the girl on fire. As I spoke with some friends of my pastimes and passions, words of such silky texture poured out from my soul with unparalleled candor and cadence. The voice that issued from my lips was at once richer, deeper, stronger than I had ever produced. It was as though an inner self, a core essence, had broken free and taken control. I broke out of my niche!

Anyway, I shouldn’t be too excited because it’s just five days. Even though I have already found some friends with extraordinarily similar interests as I do. Even though this is breaking news for me because I enjoyed be in this together finally. Even though the words of encouragements faded, I still recall them from time to time to taste it all over again. I swear I’m not severed from reality. Momentarily, it’s just impossible to describe all the details that happened during 5 days. I just need to speak all these things about how delighted I am to be in this class and try to be in tranquility…

I am a relatively total stranger to my new school. But it’s such a sensory bombardment for me even to think about it. I wanna be a part of something I don’t know. A fledging dragonfly is ready. I believe that the monarch will be crowned. May the best man win! You are gonna hear Class 7 ROAR!

Ps. I’d better start packing…


The first day of the military training

When we arrived at the base of the military training with the great excitement, we were asked to put on the military uniform as soon as possible. The sounds of sentry post reminded me of that I was a soldier so that I should do anything immediately after listening this special sound. When I put on the military uniform, cap, shoes. I realized that I was a real soldier. A proud filled with my heart, It also meant that I will begin the tired and painful life, At that night, I was so excited and worried that I can't sleep well, As a saying goes, no pain, no gain. I believe it all the time. No matter how difficult things I meet, I will treat it bravely, if I want, I think I can!


There is no end in the world—My feeling of military trainingDuring 14 days’ military training, I experienced an incredible tiredness and I would never forget it.When I reached Da Xing Military Base,at first I was exciting,but after I finished 10 minutes’ Soldier Carriage, I was disappointed. What I only felt was tiredness.Like this, it lasted 14 days.But there were also some meaningful things. For example, two weeks had only two bathes and every 5 boys used only 1faucet(水龙头). Each of us had only 5 minutes to bath. I was crazy but it teached me frugal(俭朴)!Military instructor teached us Soldier’s body boxing(军体拳), I realized the huge energy of unity,900 students included me constituted a phalanx whose vehemence was very grand. We had a task of walking 20 kilometres during military training, though it was difficult, nearly all of us held on and finished it gloriously!We gained will(意志)and perseverance(毅力)! Tiredness gave us many,many experiences, it was growth’s catalyst(催化剂).I felt tired and military training was serious! But I knew who I was,what I wanted to do and what I needed to do though military training.I really need to write an end, or I would chatter without stopping. Bye, 14 days’ military training, and I will recapture you!

心得英文简短 篇8


There is a kind of culture that goes through history and vicissitudes. Because of its long history, it is thick and heavy, so it will never fade.


-- inscription


Feel the festival, hold a floating cup moon, ripple in my heart, and pursue the memory buried in my heart.


People need memory, but memory often sleeps. Good memory always needs something to arouse


As if it was yesterday, I was still catching catkins flying with the wind; chasing butterflies hidden in flowers; listening to the sound of spring rain moistening all things.


But inadvertently, the sound of the footsteps of the festival's conditions sounded. Next comes the good time, the beautiful scenery, the enjoyment and the entertainment. The wine is ready to be drunk, the singing and dancing are smooth, the lanterns are making shadows, and the fireworks are flying


Who gave us a break from our tense heart? Of course it's a festival! She heard us singing poems, saw us painting, and our singing and playing the piano. The wine is in full swing, the happiness is in full swing, our blushing faces and bright Dimples It has witnessed all this.


She is like a brilliant starry sky, each point of starry light, are flashing the family member's exhortation and instruction;


She is like a colorful picture album, each color, all flowing with the blessing and laughter of friends;


She is like a melodious ballad. Every note is full of passion and dream of life


She is so broad, gathering the essence of all national cultures. Even if she spends her whole life, she may not be able to understand a mountain, a water, a flower, a grass and a wood in her mountain. Only feeling, I can only turn into a breeze, to pick a little flower, to catch a drop of spring water, to feel her from every drop, let her wake up the joy of sleeping for a long time.


Because of her arrival, the lotus must have a unique charm that day; the pavilion that day must have a different landscape; the clouds that day must be painted with a particularly charming red


Today, the past in the festival has long been a memory. What confuses people at present is that we don't know when we will get together like that, hear the laughter like that again, and find our dependence like that at the beginning?


Wait for the next Festival!

心得英文简短 篇9

Turn an eye me and then become a junior high school to livinged from a pure kid.In the beginning, I thought the living meeting of junior high school was easy to play, but listenned to a father mother, also having their colleagues so on saying, I discovered the life of junior high school's ising a strain is very exhausting very much, I started frightened faced a junior high school!I think elusion, but I think if I not study so much in the future in test and then will not have what hope, this influences probably, changing my destiny, and later life.

Hence I make a firm decision, correct I am in the primary school of bad habit, do a set of studying of complete science plan, exaltation study result, pass examination teacher greatly attach medium.





心得英文简短 篇10

年会获奖感言 英文






心得英文简短 篇11






in myopinion,要想学好英语或者说至少在学的过程中不感到痛苦,就必须学会将英语变成一种爱好,一种兴趣,这样在学习的过程中才不至于半途而废、有始无终且学习时如座针毡、抓耳挠腮、味同嚼蜡、痛苦无比!我相信大多数的“非英语专业的、有远大抱负的、酷爱本专业的莘莘学子”在最初面对英语时都会或多或少的有类似感受,万事开头难嘛。因此,如何克服这种感受,逐渐培养起自己对英语的热爱是至关重要的!我们必须认识到进入21世纪,英语已经成了必不可少的重要交流工具(其其他重要性就不螯述了)而且是你进一步深造所必不可少的桥梁,不管你是出国还是考研。所以我觉得你必须学会“爱”上“它”,才不至于受其折磨、蹂躏、践踏而又毫无对策。记住学会“爱”上“它”也是保证你将来成功的第一步!

“积累”可以说是任何学习所必需的,在英语学习中它显得更为重要!for example:我将英语中的“单词、语法、句子、结构、阅读、写作、听力、口语”等等一切比喻成不同的层,你每学一些相关的东西就会在相应的层上加一些东西,而你学的越扎实,同样层与层之间就砸的越扎实。这样当你有着一日在使用的时候,储存在层中的知识就会像水一样被源源不断的挤压出来给你提供源源不竭的语言素材,你会感到好象有用不完的东西在不断的向外涌出,这时我相信你的信心和成就感就会接踵而来了,而你的英语学习也渐入佳境了。